Ulm, Germany: Let Me Love You
I’ve been to Ulm twice and if you take out all the hours I was either sleeping or performing, I’ve had a total of 2 hours to explore. Neither of those hours was during prime time but goddammit, I was gonna do my best. First time to Ulm I had no interest in exploring. I had taken a long-ish train from Zurich where I had spent the previous few days walking roughly 10 miles a day throughout Switzerland with my girlfriend. I tacked on some shows at the end of our trip to say hello to some friends and return some favors to promoters who had hooked me up in the past. When the train pulled into the station at Ulm, I could see the Ulmer Munster, the world’s tallest church. I thought to myself, “Great, I’ve seen all the sites.” My friend Ko picked me up from the station and we went straight to the venue for the show. Afterwards, I ate some late-night falafel with my friends Thomas and Lara and then passed out. I woke up the next morning in time to eat breakfast at the hotel ...