Nothing is Scary Anymore Except Real Life Part 3: Resurrection Mary
Excellent Music, Fine Food, and Ghosts! Here's the final installment in this series. I took you to W. Virginia to track down the Mothman. I travelled to the longest island in search of the Amityville Horror House. Now I bring it all home. Literally. Please enjoy Part 3: Resurrection Mary aka My Town is Haunted as F**K. If you grow up near Chicago you know that nothing good happens in the woods. You grow up being told that if you hang out in the woods too long you’re either going to be chased by a child molester or become a sacrifice for a gaggle of heavy metal listening devil worshippers. You’re told those things and then you watch the first couple Friday the 13 th ’s and you never want to see a green space ever again. We were scared of the woods until we realized we could throw an awesome party in them and we learned to cope with the fear. Still, the fear is so ingrained that it lingers in the far reaches of your brain. All that being said, I should be scared...